Danny Newville – An updated timeline
Posted by joy.the.curious on Feb 21, 2018 in Danny Newville | 6 comments
New to this story? Start from the beginning:
Danny Newville – Missing since 2002
In my last post, I mentioned I would be sharing some new theories, but before I do that, I’d like to update Danny’s timeline a bit. I’ve been trying to piece together his last day, but also, what was happening in Danny’s life just prior to that.
On July 31, 2002, Danny had just been released from the Kandiyohi County Jail. His dad, Russ, told me he’d been serving a 45 day sentence for a probation violation, but I was unsure what that violation was, or why he had been on probation in the first place.
In talking to one of Danny’s friends, I learned that he’d stolen a van sometime during 2001 to go joyriding with a friend and had spent some time at the juvenile detention center in Willmar for that offense. I assumed this is why Danny had been on probation at the time he was picked up in 2002, but I wasn’t sure. I checked with Detective Kent Bauman, the lead investigator on Danny’s case, but he was unable to share that information with me since Danny had been a juvenile at the time. For the same reason, he couldn’t share the exact reason for Danny’s probation violation either.
Dead end.
However, then I asked Detective Bauman if I could get a copy of Danny’s booking report from the Kandiyohi County Jail. Because Danny was a legal adult at the time he was transferred from juvenile detention to the adult jail, I figured this report would be public record. Turns out, it was.
So then, why was Danny in jail in the first place? According to the report, it appears he had been serving time for the following offenses at the time he was transferred to the adult jail:
These all seem to jibe with the story I was told about Danny stealing a van and going joyriding in it with his friend. Maybe the charges stemmed from separate incidents, but whatever the case, Danny was serving out his sentence for these crimes he had previously committed.
I noticed one other small thing on the booking report… a reference to a tattoo Danny had on his right wrist… a single dot. I wondered what that meant. Does a single dot on your right wrist signify something? I have no idea… just curious.
Danny Newville Timeline
Here’s what I’ve managed to piece together so far. Keep in mind, none of this information has been verified by law enforcement. It is simply a running account of what I’ve gathered after talking to several of Danny’s friends and acquaintances.
If you have a tip about Danny Newville’s disappearance, please contact:
Detective Robbie Braness
Kandiyohi County Sheriff’s Office
Phone: 320-214-6700, x3312
Email: Robbie.Braness@kcmn.us
You may also mail anonymous tips to:
Kandiyohi County Sheriff’s Office
2201 NE 23rd St, Suite 101
Willmar, MN 56201
Facebook Messenger:
Next time
Danny Newville – A few theories
Julie V. | February 21, 2018 at 7:17 pm
There is so very much that does not jive, here. The tattoo may have been a gang in jail or something. I am over 65, so there is much I don’t understand about kids. From what I’ve learned some young men joining gangs are given tattoos. It’s my guess, based on the offenses you listed that they are all the “joy riding” incedent. IF he had an accomplice, and was told when paroled to have no contact with “John Doe” any contact would have been a violation. There are many things that could have been conditions of parole or probations. I pray you find someone who knows more. Every small piece adds up. Thank you, Joy, for what you do.
Susan Dressel | February 21, 2018 at 8:16 pm
One dot tattoo is not shown with other tattoos and their meanings via Google.
I have, however, seen it on FB. Can’t remember meaning. I have the feeling the tattoo can be secretly shown to a stranger signifying he/she is in need of help. Maybe one of your readers will know.Tamara | February 22, 2018 at 1:42 am
From what i have read, a single dot might signify “an end”. As in… when you are transitioning to a better life, to becoming a better… you. Or leaving a bad habit behind. I hope there are answers to Danny’s case. Thank you Joy.
Justin Gilbertson | February 22, 2018 at 10:38 am
In the 1990s it was popular for kids to give themselves “stoner dots” . Basically if you see a dot on someone’s wrist it means they smoke pot. Which then translates to “criminal” to anybody over 45.
TB | February 23, 2018 at 12:38 am
Similar to Justin’s response…I also remember back in the 90’s, a single dot/ink/tattoo on a hand or wrist being referred to as a “party dot.” Wasn’t out of the ordinary’seemed to be a fad at the time.
John Carroll | February 24, 2018 at 11:59 am
If Danny was released on July 31, 2002 after serving 45 day sentence for a probation violation then his first day of serving that sentence would have been June 16, 2002.
I think pictures of significant places (such as the jail) in this story are also helpful in understanding the timeline and events.