Danny Newville – Radio interview
Posted by joy.the.curious on Oct 24, 2017 in Danny Newville | 3 comments
New to this story? Start from the beginning:
Danny Newville – Missing since 2002
A few weeks ago JP Cola, News Director at Lakeland Broadcasting, contacted me and said he was putting together a news story about Danny Newville. He wondered if I’d be willing to do an interview in order to raise the profile of Danny’s case, and hopefully generate some new leads.
I was happy to oblige, so last Wednesday, I stopped by the radio station in Willmar to visit with JP and discuss Danny’s case. He mentioned that he had also spoken with Detective Kent Bauman at the Kandiyohi County Sheriff’s Office, so I’m hopeful the added attention will help shed some new light on the case. Things have definitely slowed down in the past few weeks, so I’ve been at a bit of a standstill. Thanks to JP for helping to keep the conversation going! The interview will begin airing on Tuesday, October 24.
Radio interview with JP Cola — Lakeland Broadcasting, Willmar, MN
August 1st marked the 15th anniversary of the disappearance of 18-year-old Danny Newville of New London. The case is getting new life thanks to blogger Joy Baker of New London. After her involvement in the Jacob Wetterling case last year, Baker says she decided to focus on the Newville case in her blog called “Joy the Curious”…
…Witnesses told the Sheriff’s Department that Newville was last seen at a party in New London on August 1st 2002. He left the party on foot, reportedly to go to another person’s house, but never arrived. Baker says Newville’s friends and people who might know something are older now, and she hopes they feel like getting it off their chest…
…Baker first wrote about Newville in 2014, and then again August 1st of this year and has done half-a-dozen updates since. Kandiyohi County Sheriff’s Department Detective Kent Bauman says since Baker got involved, tips have started picking up…
…Bauman has been working the Newville case since the very beginning and after what happened with the Jacob Wetterling case, he hopes this one too will come to a resolution…
Any information on the Newville case can be called in to the Kandiyohi County Sheriff’s Department at 235-1260, 24-hours-a-day. If the info pertains to Newville, it will be forwarded to Bauman. Baker says she would be willing to be an intermediary, if necessary. Go to joybaker.com or joythecurious.com. Baker blogged about previously forgotten child molestation cases in the Paynesville area in the 1980s that eventually created a link to Danny Heinrich, who confessed to killing Jacob Wetterling in October 1989. Last year Heinrich was sentenced to 20 years in prison.
If you have a tip about Danny Newville’s disappearance, please contact:
Detective Robbie Braness
Kandiyohi County Sheriff’s Office
Phone: 320-214-6700, x3312
Email: Robbie.Braness@kcmn.us
You may also mail anonymous tips to:
Kandiyohi County Sheriff’s Office
2201 NE 23rd St, Suite 101
Willmar, MN 56201
Facebook Messenger:
Next time
Danny Newville – his last day
Stephanie | October 24, 2017 at 12:36 pm
Joy, thanks for taking on this case. Because of your involvement, I’m sure it will get resolved, just like you helped to/solved Jacob Wetterlings’ case.
Cynthia | October 25, 2017 at 5:58 pm
Hi Joy,
Thank you for all your efforts to find Danny. I was wondering if you know if law enforcement did a search of the lakes near the path that Danny walked from the party to his friends house. I noticed ion google maps there is a Lake Eight near where the party he attended and there is also a Mill pond near the friends house he said he was walking to. If they didn’t do Lake searches I was wondering if you know why.
Thanks again, CynthiaJulie V. | October 25, 2017 at 7:11 pm
Joy, In 1988 I turned 40. I was a female version of Danny. I was born with epilepsy at a time when nobody understood. To this day a boy from my class remembers me “as the girl who went crazy in sixth grade”. I had one of my last seizures in class. The nurse and teacher explained, but “you can’t fix ignorant”. I had strict parents, that was a blessing, although it didn’t seem so back then. Please keep fighting for anyone who is unable to do so. There are many of us who care!